
Rick Alan Alderfer

Howdy, I’m Rick.

I got my first taste of creative design in 1987 when I was working in a real estate office. My boss bought an early Apple Macintosh computer – remember those old 5 1/4 inch floppy discs? – and a pretty basic design / publishing software program. I discovered I really enjoyed creating our business cards, flyers, & brochures.

Later on, in my job as a Marketing Director for a team of Realtors, I learned I was not allowed to go to the specialty paper wholesale store by myself. Row after row of specialty papers – every size, texture, finish, weight, & color one could imagine – was like being a kid in a candy store!! Finding just the right paper to combine with perfect fonts, graphics and prose made me ridiculously happy! I know, I know – geek alert!

Now in today’s digital age, it’s all about colors, fonts, extreme graphics, & fancy animations. But basic design principles still apply. Whatever design elements are chosen, telling your story still needs to be job one! Anything that detracts from that is a mistake.

My design philosophy is pretty straight-forward. For most businesses and organizations, simple, clean, and organized is the way to go. Any fancy graphics or animations that get in the way of that is just noise.

Tell your story. Tell it clearly. Make the case why someone should choose to work with you  – and make it simple to do so. That’s what good design is all about! Click the button below to get the party started!